Are Viruses & Borders Racist? A Brief History Where Major Viruses Originated

March 20, 2020

A doctor checks with patients at a temporary hospital situated in China’s Hubei Province on Feb 21 (Credit: Caption/ Image, Getty Images).

written by Net Advisor

WASHINGTON, DC. Many in the media, pundits and politicians who already despise the current Administration, naturally have decided to use the Covid-19 virus as a political weapon.

A Presidential candidate, and likely the Democrat Party nominee, Joe Biden, have recently took aim at President Trump twisting semantics.

Instead of trying to find mutual solutions for the benefit of the country, these pundits (including many in the media acting the same), have been obsessed at not referring the Covid-19 virus to its originating source – China.

The facts are, many major health issues/ diseases have been named due to their originating source. In over 1,800 years, no one had previously called this “xenophobic,” or “racist” as some in today’s politically-driven media have.

Other politically-driven media have also attacked the President falsely claiming that Trump was ‘More Concerned With Closing Borders Than Testing For Coronavirus.’

Almost one year ago, President Trump declared a national emergency after the U.S. border was being overrun by illegal aliens from all-over the world. The purpose was to control the flow of illegal immigration.

As Countries Close Borders Due to Corona Virus; Biden Says Let Everyone in the USA?

There are reasons why borders exist in pretty much every recognized country in the world. Borders establish the boundaries of a country (Global report). Without borders, there really is no country.

Just 5 days ago (March 15, 2020), and after much of America and the world are closing borders, and now putting up barricades over national security issues relating to the Corona virus; Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden proposed to freeze U.S. deportations (amnesty) of criminal aliens.

Joe Biden also had called an end to U.S. Border Wall Protection, and end ICE (from retrieving wanted criminal illegal alien felons). Biden also said just last year that it was a “crime” to cross the U.S. border illegally, and anyone who does should be sent back. Then Biden called for open U.S. borders, and give more U.S. taxpayer dollars to foreign governments.

When especially a virus pandemic exists, does it make sense to keep your borders open and allow anyone and everyone in undetected, or have control of who is coming in your country?

If one is for the open border view, please take the doors and windows off your residence since domestic security isn’t important to you. Those doors and windows are nothing but ‘barriers to entry,’ and thus racist, and xenophobic right? So, take those doors and windows off, and embrace true domestic insecurity.

If doors and windows are still installed on your residence, then one can concede that borders define the boundaries of a nation, and thus important. A nation should have an idea of who is coming in to visit or to move in — especially if done illegally.

With that said, let’s take a look at a brief history of major viruses and health issues that were named not in the last week by a sitting U.S. President, but rather by scientists and experts at the time.

Some Virus Named After People – Not Racist.

In 165-180 A.D., the Antonine Plague was named during the time of Roman Emperors where some 5 million people were killed by the disease.

By 541 A.D., The Plague of Justinian, was named after the East Rome Emperor, Justinian I. According to CNN, the disease killed 25 million to some 50 million people.

Beginning in the 16th century, the Cocoliztli Epidemic was originally named by native Aztecs in what was then called, New Spain (Mexico).

During 1346 to 1353 the virus known as theBlack Death reportedly had its roots in Central/East Asia (China) (Est. Death Toll: 75 million to 200 million).

Since roughly the 14th century, it appears a large number of viruses originated out of the China area.

Some Viruses Named From Their Originating Source – Not Xenophobic.

1500- Japanese Encephalitis, Indonesia-Malaysia area. (Est. Death Toll: n/a).

1910-11 Manchuria Plague, Manchuria, China. (Est. Death Toll: 60,000).

1918-19 Spanish Flu, which we have learned reportedly did not originate in Spain, but more likely in China. (Est. Death Toll: 50 million).

1947 Zika Virus, Zika Forest, Uganda, Africa. (Est. Death Toll: n/a).

1956-58 Asian Flu, China. (Est. Death Toll: 2 Million).

1968 Hong Kong Flu, Hong Kong. (Est. Death Toll: 1 million).

1975 Lyme Disease, Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA. (Est. Death Toll: n/a).

2014 MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), a Corona-virus originating in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (Est. Death Toll: 858).

Notice no one called anyone during the Obama Administration “racist” or “xenophobic,” let alone offensive, after attributing the 2014 MERS virus to Middle-Easterners.

Other Major Virus Names – Not Racist, Not Xenophobic.

1334 Great Plague Central Asia/China (1308). (Est. Death Toll: 75 million+).

  • Three new cases if the Bubonic Plague were reported in China in November 2019.

1855 Third Plague Pandemic, Yunnan, China. (Est. Death Toll: 10 million).

1889-90 Russian Flu, Central Asia, Canada, Greenland. (Est. Death Toll: 1 million).

1910-11 Cholera, India. (Est. Death Toll: 800,000).

1976- HIV/AIDS, originated out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Est. World-wide Death Toll to Date: 32 million).

2002-03 SARS, Guangdong, China. Caused by a Corona Virus. (Est. Death Toll: 774).

2009 Swine Flu, Mexico. (Est. Death Toll: 151,700 to 575,400).

2019- Covid-19, originated out of Wuhan, China. (Est. Death Toll: See map).

Viruses, bacteria don’t have borders. Pathogens use mostly people as carriers. People travel, come into close contact with other people.

As for what the Trump Administration and Congress has been doing over Covid-19, is very public. Yet political opponents have largely ignored this reality and choose to be critical over trivial semantics as Biden has.

Much of the media have driven public fear which intern have driven consumers to hoard food, water, sanitizer, firearms and ammunition (Report).

Questions About Coivd-19.

The Covid-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China. In the same province, holds one of China’s top Level 4 Labs (Bio-safety Level 4) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (where viruses are studied and experimented with). Some have claimed that the virus may have leaked from their lab. This is still unknown at this point.

Regardless of politics, the facts are, viruses throughout history have been named from their original country or area of origin. Other viruses have been given names associated to people or rulers. A few virus have been specially attributed to animals/ birds such as the Swine Flu and Avian (Bird) Flu.

Not Racist or Xenophobic, Just Facts.

For whatever reason, history has shown that many viruses have unusually come out of East Asia/ China area.

Calling a virus from its originating source was never xenophobic or racists until the political opponents and certain media have decided after 1,800+ years that now that’s ‘racist’/ ‘xenophobic?’ Clearly these people choose to be part of the problem, and not part of the solution.

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