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Elections - Voting

Why Voting and Elections Matter

WASHINGTON DC. A party in power can forever influence the laws in the United States in federal courts and at the Supreme Court level, if they place a judge who is more activist than an independent judiciary as the U.S. Constitution requires.
Purpose of Term Limits

If one political party should stay in power “too long” it can change the (legal) direction of the country. Such action could put our Constitutional Republic (Article IV, Section 4) at risk of becoming under some supreme ruler without Congressional authority such as a Monarch, self-proposed King, or Dictator. [Further Reading: United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)]. This is why a President is limited by two elected terms in office under the 22nd Amendment, Article I of the U.S. Constitution.

When the country is faltering, like now, change is necessary to put the country back on a healthier path. If government fails the People, voters can…Read More…