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Democrat Blue States Have 46 Percent More Murders Than Republican Red States

WASHINGTON, D.C. There has been much debate about gun-related deaths in the USA. Generally speaking the Political Left tends to be anti-Second Amendment (anti-gun). Political Moderates and the Political Right tends to be in support of the Constitutionally protected Second Amendment.

Major U.S. Supreme Court Cases Upholding the Second Amendment

United States v. Cruikshank (1875)
Presser v. Illinois (1886)
Miller v. Texas (1894)
District of Columbia v. Heller (2010)
Mc Donald v. City of Chicago (2012)

The Left claims that if we just have fewer guns, remove certain types of guns or have no guns, then we will somehow have a safer society. That concept hasn’t worked in Mexico where over 70,000 people have been killed since a total gun ban [Report, Point 11]. This idea also hasn’t worked in Great Britain since the government implemented a total gun ban after a 1996 mass shooting. Since the gun ban, Great Britain has seen total gun crime increase by 65 percent [Report, Point 4]. Criminals know that law-abiding citizens are likely unarmed and thus easy targets. The left ignores the fact that criminals don’t obey the law, and that is why they are called criminals.

Let’s pretend another law passes to restrict or otherwise limit the rights of a general law-abiding society. The criminals won’t say, ‘awe, gee, those politicians passed a law and we have to turn in all those guns we stole or smuggled in with our drugs. Wow, those anti-gun groups are so smart. Crime as we know it, is finally over.’

That is the thinking of liberal ideology. Never mind the fact that “under (EXISTING U.S.) federal law…prohibits any person convicted of a felony from purchasing or possessing any type of firearm.”

So, passing new laws restricting lawful citizens won’t stop crime; enforcing existing laws do help curb crime.

Each U.S. state tends to follow a political majority, and we were curious if there was a relationship to crime (specifically homicide/murder) and how state’s voted in the last General (Presidential) Election.

We examined the assumption that if anti-gun Blue States (states that voted in majority for political Democrats), must then have a lower homicide rate than Red States (states that voted in majority for political Republicans).

To settle this debate about firearms and murder (homicide) rates, we pulled the latest data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR)…See which states have highest murder rates and how did they vote in the 2012 election. Read More… (View Chart)…