Whose Slush Fund?

March 30, 2020

Image Credit: Forbes.

written by Net Advisor

WASHINGTON, DC. Congress just borrowed $2.2 Trillion last Friday. Understandably, a chunk will go to working families, small and larger businesses to retain employees, while there is in effect a near national slowdown; or in some cases a shutdown.

Yet, media have complained that President Trump (who didn’t write the bill) could control a “slush fund” of $500 Billion. The money would be for LOANS, and loan guarantees for impacted businesses.

Democrats speculated that Trump could loan money to his own hotels affected by the shutdown. This would be a conflict of interest, and if true, the hotels which are not being ran by the President, would have to apply for aid if needed and accepted; and such would not be determined by the President.

In the end, this money is at the discretion of the Federal Reserve.

The only time Congress seems to agree on something is when it comes to spending YOUR money, and your (future) kid’s money, and their future kid’s money, etc.

Whose Slush Fund?

Senator Kennedy voiced his frustration over the $2.2 Trillion bipartisan bill that was suddenly deemed as a “slush fund” by Democrat political operatives.

“This Country Was Founded by Geniuses, But is Being Run by a Bunch of Idiots.”

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) (Source)

The original thinking for the bill was for support taxpayers who are temporarily out of work by no fault of their own (state and federal government stay-at-home guidelines).

These taxpayers would receive $1,200 per adult, $500 per child subject to amounts phased out on higher income limits. This cost was pegged at $290 Billion. Somehow the bill grew another $1.91 Trillion.

Initially, all Senate Democrats BLOCKED the aid package from passing because it lacked some of their political pet projects. As it turns out the U.S. Senate voted 96-0 for the so-called “slush fund” bill they hated so much.

After a week of bickering, House Democrats held up the aid bill again by pushing party-agenda items such as airline emission standards, to same-day voter registration and audits; (where big government would decide future elections by audit).

None of these proposed add-ons had anything to do with helping American families; helping small, let alone large businesses retain furloughed employees; or even provide one person with care who is actually infected with any illness. This was all about politics and party agenda.

The Democrat-controlled House finally came to a voice vote (PDF) where the $2.2 Trillion bill was deemed passed, including more money for Democrat’s own “slush fund.”

This includes, but is not limited to $10 Billion to partially bailout the Post Office; $25 Million for the non-profit Kennedy Performing Arts Center – because we immediately need to fund $25 million of tax dollars toward performing arts that no one is attending?

There is another $42 Billion for new entitlements. This is on top of the approximate $2.7 Trillion+ already spent on entitlements each year.

Tack on $100 billion for hospitals. This is on top of two previous federal emergency funding bills, HR6074, HR6201). Add another $32 Billion education “slush fund.” This is on top of the $64 Billion for the year 2020 the Dept. of Education was already funded by Congress – now, with no kids in school?

A ‘Slush Fund’ would not be complete if you didn’t include people who live outside the USA, but want to come here – a $350 million “slush fund” for non-affected foreign refugees. That’s on top of the $8.8 Billion per year U.S. taxpayers are already spending for refugees.

Even FEMA gets a $45 Billion cash “slush fund” for an unspecified future disaster.

We’re not done yet. Why not get paid more not to work?

Democrats: More Pay if You Don’t Work?

Those who are unemployed will get a huge “slush fund” of another $600 a week. This is on top of the average $372 per week (1 person) for being unemployed. So an unemployed person will get $3,888 per month (4 weeks) for up to three months, plus may get state unemployment? In this $2.2 Trillion aid package, working families get $1,200 per adult subject to income limits – one time.

Oh yea, that’s fair?

Of the $2 Trillion+ of borrowed money, government can use the funds “domestically or internationally“. So good luck if American citizens get any of the “slush fund” money exiting the USA to unspecified foreign sources.

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